Minggu, 06 November 2011

wish you were here. .

I can be tough
I can be strong
but with you, It's not like that at all
theres a girl who gives a shit
behind this wall
you just walk through it

and I remember all those crazy thing you said
you left them running through my head
you're always there, you're everywhere
but right now I wish you were here

all those crazy things we did
didn't think about it just went with it
you're always there, you're everywhere
but right now I wish you were here

damn, damn, damn,
what I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here

damn, damn, damn,
what I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

I love the way you are
it's who I am don't have to try hard
we always say, Say like it is
and the truth is that I really miss

all those crazy thing you said
you left them running through my head
you're always there, you're everywhere
but right now I wish you were here

all those crazy things we did
didn't think about it just went with it
you're always there, you're everywhere
but right now I wish you were here

damn, damn, damn,
what I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here

damn, damn, damn,
what I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

no, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
that I never wanna let go
let go, Oh, Oh,
no, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
that I never wanna let go
let go, Let go, Let go...

damn, damn, damn,
what I'd do to have you
here, Here, Here
I wish you were here

damn, damn, damn,
what I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

6 years ! ! :)

6 years of super junior !
chukkae yo !

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

balada les sempoa~

entah kenapa mendadak gw keingetan hal ini. .

kejadiannya waktu gw SD entah kelas berapa. .
kan dulu jaman"nya anak SD terbelakang dalam mapel matematika tuh, dan jaman"nya bisa ngitung pake sempoa tuh udah dianggep kek jenius sejak lahir
saking bangganya ma sempoa, ada yang bilang "oh anakku sih gabisa pake kalkulator, dari kecil udah diajarin pake sempoa sih"
menurut gw itu bukti nyata kalo orang sini gampang dibego"in. jelas" di negeri asalnya sana cuma pedagang pasar aja yang make sempoa. dan disini bahkan buat menguasai skill berhitung ala pedagang pasar aja ampe didiriin tempat lesnya. .
dan sempoa itu judulnya alat bantu hitung kan ? ? kenapa buat make alat bantu hitung yang seharusnya MEMBANTU, kita malah dibikin makin mikir
cuma buat ngitung 64+52 aja lama banget karna harus geser" manik" bulet itu. . pake otak juga bisa kali. *geleng geleng kepala*

okehh, jadi intinya, gara" trend sempoa yang merajalela layaknya sindrom BB jaman sekarang, banyak anak yang jadi korban ketidakpraktisan ini.
salah satunya, gw. .

nyokap keknya kena juga gitu ma sindrom 'anak gw bisa maenan sempoa' itu.
jadilah gw didaftarin ikutan les ngitung pake sempoa. *yang disebutnya : les aritmatika*

hari pertama, gw telat. malu"in banget, padahal udah bangga" gitu pas daftar kalo rumahnya deket, dilepeh juga nyampe, eh malah telat
yaudah kan akhirnya gw masuk ke tuh kelas.
ada tempat duduk kosong tapi cuma satu, di sebelah cewe yang I don't ever remember *or know* her name. .
udah kan gw duduk, dan gw berusaha jadi anak baik. you know, tipikal anak SD yang masih polos yang ngiranya semua orang sama baiknya, berusaha nyapa dan nyari temen di tempat baru.
and do you know what she did when I greet her ? dia ngeliat gw dengan mata sinis dan bilang : apaan sih ?
dengan polosnya gw bilang "kenalan, aku rani" dan dijawab dengan "ga nanya"

jeng jeng. . buat pertama kalinya gw, yang waktu itu masih polos, masih kelas 2 atau 3 SD *akhirnya inget* menyadari kalo ga semua orang bisa baik sama kita. .
okeh, abis itu gw gamau ngomong lagi sama tu orang.
hari berikutnya, gw masuk les lagi, dan dapet tempat duduk yang sama lagi. mungkin karna satu kelas itu nyadar semua kali ya, betapa annoyingnya orang ini. .
oh well, tujuan gw kesini kan juga buat les, biar pinter dagang pake sempoa. .

yauda gw melanjutkan les disana. makin hari ternyata seatmate gw ini makin ngeselin. .
kalo guru nanya, dan gw jawab, dia masih ngitung, dan langsung bilang "sok pinter banget"
dan ternyata jawaban gw bener, dimana gw langsung lirik dia sambil pasang tampang "well, compared to you, I'm genius" *evil-smirk ala kyuhyun*
karna kenyataannya, masih pinteran gw maenan sempoanya. . *gw ga nyombong ! serius deh*

mungkin karna gw juga ngeladenin dia, dia malah bete ma gw. .ada aja gitu tingkahnya. .
ampe puncaknya, dia ngerusakin tempat pensil gratisan dari oreo yang gw sayang banget banget. .
abis itu gw marah, gw ngambek, gamau les lagi
untung jaman itu les bayarnya masih perbulan, jadi mak gw ga setres mikirin bayarannya. .

dan setelah itu gw balik lagi make otak buat ngerjain matematika. .

aigoo~ sempoa, sempoa. .
jaman berjayamu udah berakhir, kalah sama kalkulator fisika yang mahal itu. .
sabar yaa. .

Jumat, 04 November 2011

good bye baby, good bye !

good bye baby by miss A
another random post. .
I just realized how 'nancep' this song is, sooo. .yea, I post it since I like this song~ :p
*just post the translation. so you could understand* :)
good bye, baby good bye, turn around and go on
just don’t say a word, disappear as it is, baby good bye, good bye

my name isn’t Suzy, but you keep calling me that
I should’ve know back then, but I wanted to believe you as much as possible
I know how immature you are. Don’t cry in vain
I’ll throw away all your stuff. Quit acting now

good bye, baby good bye, turn around and go on
just don’t say a word, disappear as it is
good bye, baby good bye, thing it was good and fun
but we’re done right here. Your show is now over, baby good bye, good bye

my friends all told me and back then I never really listened
why can I really tell if the way you look at me is sincere or not?
your acting really surprised me
because I was so surprised, in the end I stopped crying

good bye, baby good bye, turn around and go on
just don’t say a word, disappear as it is
good bye, baby good bye, thing it was good and fun
but we’re done right here. Your show is now over, baby good bye, good bye

there will be no whining sound from you anymore
the snake passed the wall and gently betrayed me
it was quite an amazing show that I watched, even without buying a ticket
I just didn’t get this spot for free, no. Now it’s bye bye

good bye, baby good bye, turn around and go on
just don’t say a word, disappear as it is
good bye, baby good bye, thing it was good and fun
but we’re done right here. 
your show is now over, baby good bye, good bye